What is happening?
August Events
Sundaes with the Pastor:
Following worship on August 25th and September 15th and 22nd.
Get the scoop on our new pastor and share your hopes and dreams for the coming season of ministry together.
Sign up outside the sanctuary or by email to PasadenaUMCOffice@gmail.com
Weekly Events
9 AM Sunday School for Youth and Adults
10 AM Worship and Children's Sunday School (follows the Time with the Children, for ages Pre-K through 5th Grade)
6 PM Youth Group, Fellowship Hall
6 PM Scouts meeting
6 PM, Girl Scouts of America, 7 PM Girls BSA Troop
7:30 PM Christian Chimers (high school & adults: bell choir)
7 PM Church Meeting (1st SPRC, 2nd Trustees, 3rd Finance, 4th Church Council)
6 PM Cub Scouts, 7 PM Boy Scouts
5:30 PM Chapel Chimers (3rd grade to 8th grade: bells)
6 PM Chorister Choir (3rd grade to 8th grade: vocal choir)
6 PM Joyful Chimers (pre-K to 2nd grade: bells)
6:30 PM Cherub Choir (pre-K to 2nd grade: vocal choir)
7:30 PM Chancel Choir (High School & adult: vocal choir) first 45 min Christmas Cantata, followed by regular anthem practice
3:30 PM NA meeting
5 PM Lost in the Fifties auto club (Parking Lot)