Updated 10/13/2022
Stay up to date: What should I believe?
How many cases are reported in my county?
Anne Arundel County Public Schools is providing free breakfast, lunch, and dinner to children, ages 2–18.
There are no income or registration requirements.
Tips to stay safe
Stay home if you are not feeling well
Stock up on a couple of items to limit the number of times necessary to go out
Watch whom you surround yourself with
Where have they been?
Are they following the guidelines?
Are they being exposed to excessive amounts of people?
Did they recently travel to an area with high cases?
Limit your "gatherings" to under 10 people
The less people the better!
Keep your distance even with friends. 6 ft apart!
Know how the virus spreads
Clean your hands
Avoid close contact, especially with those that are sick
Cover your coughs and sneezes
Make sure you are cleaning surfaces and disinfecting areas frequently touched
Cell phones
Door knobs
How can I pass time staying home?
26 Very Wholesome Things That Will Fill You With Warmth And Light
Classic Card Games You Can Play With A Standard Deck Of Cards
Go on a walk or bike ride!- Just because you are staying home doesn't mean you can't get fresh air. You can even do this with a friend while still keeping your distance.
Have a movie marathon
Express gratitude through a prayer, thought, or note
Clean that closet or room you have been neglecting
Bake your favorite sweet treat
Things to do with the kids
10 Outdoor Games From The 70s That Its Time To Teach Your Kids
Junior Handyman’s Toolkit: Classroom Projects, Essentials and Checklists
Special thanks to the Gomez Family for finding this link!